FREEDOM – an open call for photographers

The City of Trenčín in cooperation with Norwegian partners offers young, amateur as well as professional photographers the opportunity to present their work and participate in a photographic open call. In November, thirty-five years will pass since the Velvet Revolution (1989) and we would like to commemorate this event with an exhibition of photographs whose common theme will be FREEDOM. One short word that each of the authors understands and creates in their photographs in their own way. A set of photographs should be created that will offer a comparison of how freedom is perceived by photographers in our country and how authors living in Norway perceive it. From the submitted photographs, the Slovak-Norwegian curatorial group will select the photographs that will be oficially presented on November 17, 2024 during an opening ceremony at the Hviezda Cultural and Creative Center in Trenčín and later at the Stormen Public Library in the project’s partner city of Bodø in Norway.



Photographers living in and around the cities of Trenčín and Bodø can participate in the open call. Their work will be judged in two age categories: under 18 and over 18. One photographer can submit a maximum of 5 individual pieces or one series with a total of 5 photographs. There is no time limit for the creation of photographs, photographs that were taken in the past can also be entered, but their date of creation should not be older than 1989. (We will also welcome authentic historical photographs from the events of November 1989.)

The condition of the author’s participation is:

  • Filling in the electronic form which you can find below,
  • Uploading the photos only in electronic form in print quality (3 000 pixels longer end),
  • Giving permission to handle the photographs and personal data (at the end of the form).


Photos can be submitted from September 6, 2024.

The deadline is October 17, 2024.

This open call is part of the bilateral initiative entitled „CULTURE CONNECTS – TREBØ MORE CULTURE“, which has been assigned no. FBR-PDI-029 (hereinafter reffered to as the „Initiative“) and is financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the years 2014-2021.


Form – Open call for photographers SLOBODA – EN

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